Uses of Interface

Packages that use Resource

Uses of Resource in org.xmldb.api.base

Methods in org.xmldb.api.base that return Resource
 Resource Collection.createResource(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String type)
          Creates a new empty Resource with the provided id.
 Resource ResourceSet.getMembersAsResource()
          Returns a Resource containing an XML representation of all resources stored in the set.
 Resource ResourceSet.getResource(int index)
          Returns the Resource instance stored at the index specified by index.
 Resource Collection.getResource(java.lang.String id)
          Retrieves a Resource from the database.
 Resource ResourceIterator.nextResource()
          Returns the next Resource instance in the iterator.

Methods in org.xmldb.api.base with parameters of type Resource
 void ResourceSet.addResource(Resource res)
          Adds a Resource instance to the set.
 void Collection.removeResource(Resource res)
          Removes the Resource from the database.
 void Collection.storeResource(Resource res)
          Stores the provided resource into the database.

Uses of Resource in org.xmldb.api.modules

Subinterfaces of Resource in org.xmldb.api.modules
 interface BinaryResource
          Resource for encapsulation of binary data that is stored in the data base.
 interface XMLResource
          Provides access to XML resources stored in the database.