Uses of Class

Packages that use XMLDBException

Uses of XMLDBException in net.cfoster.sedna

Methods in net.cfoster.sedna that throw XMLDBException
 void IndexManagementService.createIndex(java.lang.String indexId, java.lang.String on, java.lang.String by, java.lang.String type)
          Creates an index of nodes on a collection specified by the given arguments.
 void IndexManagementService.createIndexOnResource(java.lang.String indexId, java.lang.String resourceId, java.lang.String on, java.lang.String by, java.lang.String type)
          Creates an index of nodes on a document specified by the given arguments.
 void RoleManagementService.createRole(java.lang.String roleId)
          Create a new role within the database, the name of the role must be unique and is specified by the roleId argument.
 void UserManagementService.createUser(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Create a new user with a specified password.
 Privileges RoleManagementService.getPrivileges(java.lang.String roleId)
          Retrieve a Privileges data access object for this role in the database.
 Privileges UserManagementService.getPrivileges(java.lang.String username)
          Retrieve a Privileges data access object for a particular user in this database.
 void Privileges.grantPrivilege(int privilegeType)
          Grants a user or role a general database privilege.
 void Privileges.grantPrivilege(int privilegeType, java.lang.String argumentId)
          Grants a user or role a specific database privilege, against a database object.
 void Privileges.grantRole(java.lang.String roleId)
          Grant a role to this user or role.
 boolean Privileges.hasPrivilege(int privilegeType)
          Whether or not this user or role can perform the activity defined by the privilegeType argument.
 boolean Privileges.hasPrivilege(int privilegeType, java.lang.String argumentId)
          Whether or not this user or role can perform a specific database privilege, against a database object.
 java.lang.String[] IndexManagementService.listIndexes()
          Retrieve a list of current indexes held within the database.
 java.lang.String[] ModuleManagementService.listModules()
          Retrieve a list of current XQuery modules held within the database.
 java.lang.String[] Privileges.listRoles()
          Lists all role names which this user or role is a member of.
 java.lang.String[] RoleManagementService.listRoles()
          Retrieve a list of all current roles held within the database.
 java.lang.String[] UserManagementService.listUsers()
          Retrieve a list of all current users held within the database.
 void IndexManagementService.removeIndex(java.lang.String indexId)
          Remove an index from the database based on the indexId argument.
 void ModuleManagementService.removeModule(java.lang.String namespaceURI)
          Remove a XQuery module from the database which has the namespace URI of the namespaceURI argument.
 void RoleManagementService.removeRole(java.lang.String roleId)
          Removes a role within the database based on the given roleId argument.
 void UserManagementService.removeUser(java.lang.String username)
          Drops a user from the database based on their username.
 void Privileges.revokePrivilege(int privilegeType)
          Revokes a general privilege for a user or a role.
 void Privileges.revokePrivilege(int privilegeType, java.lang.String argumentId)
          Revokes a specific database privilege for a user or role.
 void Privileges.revokeRole(java.lang.String roleId)
          Revoke a role from this user or role.
 void UserManagementService.setPassword(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Sets a new password for the user who has the given username.
 void ModuleManagementService.storeModule( moduleStmt)
          Store a XQuery module in the Database, a XQuery module can hold multiple variables and functions which can be imported and used in any subsequent XQueries.
 void ModuleManagementService.storeModule(java.lang.String moduleStmt)
          Store a XQuery module in the Database, a XQuery module can hold multiple variables and functions which can be imported and used in any subsequent XQueries.
 void SednaUpdateService.update(java.lang.String updateStatement)
          Execute an update statement against the Sedna database.

Uses of XMLDBException in org.xmldb.api

Methods in org.xmldb.api that throw XMLDBException
static void DatabaseManager.deregisterDatabase(Database database)
          Deregisters a Database implementation from the DatabaseManager.
static Collection DatabaseManager.getCollection(java.lang.String uri)
          Retrieves a Collection instance from the database for the given URI.
static Collection DatabaseManager.getCollection(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Retrieves a Collection instance from the database for the given URI.
static java.lang.String DatabaseManager.getConformanceLevel(java.lang.String uri)
          Returns the Core Level conformance value for the provided URI.
protected static Database DatabaseManager.getDatabase(java.lang.String uri)
          Retrieves the registered Database instance associated with the provided URI.
static void DatabaseManager.registerDatabase(Database database)
          Registers a new Database implementation with the DatabaseManager.
protected static java.lang.String DatabaseManager.stripURIPrefix(java.lang.String uri)
          Removes the URI_PREFIX from the front of the URI.

Uses of XMLDBException in org.xmldb.api.base

Methods in org.xmldb.api.base that throw XMLDBException
 boolean Database.acceptsURI(java.lang.String uri)
          acceptsURI determines whether this Database implementation can handle the URI.
 void ResourceSet.addAll(ResourceSet rSet)
          Adds all Resource instances in the resourceSet to this set.
 void ResourceSet.addResource(Resource res)
          Adds a Resource instance to the set.
 void ResourceSet.clear()
          Removes all Resource instances from the set.
 void Collection.close()
          Releases all resources consumed by the Collection.
 java.lang.String Collection.createId()
          Creates a new unique ID within the context of the Collection
 Resource Collection.createResource(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String type)
          Creates a new empty Resource with the provided id.
 Collection Collection.getChildCollection(java.lang.String name)
          Returns a Collection instance for the requested child collection if it exists.
 int Collection.getChildCollectionCount()
          Returns the number of child collections under this Collection or 0 if no child collections exist.
 Collection Database.getCollection(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Retrieves a Collection instance based on the URI provided in the uri parameter.
 java.lang.String Database.getConformanceLevel()
          Returns the XML:DB API Conformance level for the implementation.
 java.lang.Object Resource.getContent()
          Retrieves the content from the resource.
 java.lang.String Resource.getId()
          Returns the unique id for this Resource or null if the Resource is anonymous.
 ResourceIterator ResourceSet.getIterator()
          Returns an iterator over all Resource instances stored in the set.
 Resource ResourceSet.getMembersAsResource()
          Returns a Resource containing an XML representation of all resources stored in the set.
 java.lang.String Collection.getName()
          Returns the name associated with the Collection instance.
 java.lang.String Database.getName()
          Deprecated. Replaced by String[] getNames().
 java.lang.String Service.getName()
          Returns the name associated with the Service instance.
 java.lang.String[] Database.getNames()
          Returns an array of names associated with the Database instance.
 Collection Collection.getParentCollection()
          Returns the parent collection for this collection or null if no parent collection exists.
 Collection Resource.getParentCollection()
          Returns the Collection instance that this resource is associated with.
 java.lang.String Configurable.getProperty(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the value of the property identified by name.
 Resource ResourceSet.getResource(int index)
          Returns the Resource instance stored at the index specified by index.
 Resource Collection.getResource(java.lang.String id)
          Retrieves a Resource from the database.
 int Collection.getResourceCount()
          Returns the number of resources currently stored in this collection or 0 if the collection is empty.
 java.lang.String Resource.getResourceType()
          Returns the resource type for this Resource.
 Service Collection.getService(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String version)
          Returns a Service instance for the requested service name and version.
 Service[] Collection.getServices()
          Provides a list of all services known to the collection.
 int ResourceSet.getSize()
          Returns the number of resources contained in the set.
 java.lang.String Service.getVersion()
          Gets the Version attribute of the Service object
 boolean ResourceIterator.hasMoreResources()
          Returns true as long as there are still more resources to be iterated.
 boolean Collection.isOpen()
          Returns true if the Collection is open false otherwise.
 java.lang.String[] Collection.listChildCollections()
          Returns a list of collection names naming all child collections of the current collection.
 java.lang.String[] Collection.listResources()
          Returns a list of the ids for all resources stored in the collection.
 Resource ResourceIterator.nextResource()
          Returns the next Resource instance in the iterator.
 void ResourceSet.removeResource(int index)
          Removes the Resource located at index from the set.
 void Collection.removeResource(Resource res)
          Removes the Resource from the database.
 void Service.setCollection(Collection col)
          Sets the Collection attribute of the Service object
 void Resource.setContent(java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the content for this resource.
 void Configurable.setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
          Sets the property name to have the value provided in value.
 void Collection.storeResource(Resource res)
          Stores the provided resource into the database.

Uses of XMLDBException in org.xmldb.api.modules

Methods in org.xmldb.api.modules that throw XMLDBException
 void TransactionService.begin()
          Begin the transaction
 void XPathQueryService.clearNamespaces()
          Removes all namespace mappings stored in the internal namespace map.
 void XQueryService.clearNamespaces()
 void TransactionService.commit()
          Commit the transaction
 CompiledExpression XQueryService.compile(java.lang.String query)
          Compiles the specified XQuery and returns a handle to the compiled code, which can then be passed to XQueryService.execute(org.xmldb.api.base.CompiledExpression).
 Collection CollectionManagementService.createCollection(java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new Collection in the database.
 void XQueryService.declareVariable(java.lang.String qname, java.lang.Object initialValue)
          Declare a global, external XQuery variable and assign a value to it.
 ResourceSet XQueryService.execute(CompiledExpression expression)
          Execute a compiled XQuery.
 org.w3c.dom.Node XMLResource.getContentAsDOM()
          Returns the content of the Resource as a DOM Node.
 void XMLResource.getContentAsSAX(org.xml.sax.ContentHandler handler)
          Allows you to use a ContentHandler to parse the XML data from the database for use in an application.
 java.lang.String XMLResource.getDocumentId()
          Returns the unique id for the parent document to this Resource or null if the Resource does not have a parent document.
 java.lang.String XPathQueryService.getNamespace(java.lang.String prefix)
          Returns the URI string associated with prefix from the internal namespace map.
 java.lang.String XQueryService.getNamespace(java.lang.String prefix)
          Returns the URI string associated with prefix from the internal namespace map.
 ResourceSet XPathQueryService.query(java.lang.String query)
          Run an XPath query against the Collection.
 ResourceSet XQueryService.query(java.lang.String query)
 ResourceSet XPathQueryService.queryResource(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String query)
          Run an XPath query against an XML resource stored in the Collection associated with this service.
 ResourceSet XQueryService.queryResource(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String query)
 void CollectionManagementService.removeCollection(java.lang.String name)
          Removes a named Collection from the system.
 void XPathQueryService.removeNamespace(java.lang.String prefix)
          Removes the namespace mapping associated with prefix from the internal namespace map.
 void XQueryService.removeNamespace(java.lang.String prefix)
          Removes the namespace mapping associated with prefix from the internal namespace map.
 void TransactionService.rollback()
          Rollback the transaction
 void XMLResource.setContentAsDOM(org.w3c.dom.Node content)
          Sets the content of the Resource using a DOM Node as the source.
 org.xml.sax.ContentHandler XMLResource.setContentAsSAX()
          Sets the content of the Resource using a SAX ContentHandler.
 void XPathQueryService.setNamespace(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String uri)
          Sets a namespace mapping in the internal namespace map used to evaluate queries.
 void XQueryService.setNamespace(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String uri)
          Sets a namespace mapping in the internal namespace map used to evaluate queries.
 long XUpdateQueryService.update(java.lang.String commands)
          Runs a set of XUpdate operations against the collection.
 long XUpdateQueryService.updateResource(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String commands)
          Runs a set of XUpdate operations against a resource stored in a collection.